
Pembrey good and bad

Pembrey 16th & 17th May 2009

For the second round of the MR2 racing series we go to Pembrey on the South Wales coast, as we live in Grimsby in north east Lincolnshire this is our longest drive to get to a race meeting just over six hours one way.
We decided to do the test day scheduled for the Friday, so set off Thursday at 4pm getting to a very wet Pembrey at 10pm, we parked the car and trailer at the circuit then set off again to find our B&B for the weekend.

Friday morning up for testing, the circuit was very wet from overnight rain but it had stopped, Stuart did tyre pressures and fuel while I went and signed on for the day, testing started at 9am and was split into sessions between saloons and caterhams, I had got kitted up at our B&B so I was ready, I have been to Pembrey before about 4 years ago so I knew where I was going, its one of those circuits you either get on with or hate it! I quite like it but I didn’t 4 years ago but I learnt a lot. I wanted to try some faster lines and different settings plus the last time I was here I was on Yokohama tyres not Silverstone, saying that I did not want to wear out the race tyres so I used Toyo R888 for most of the day, my best previous time round Pembrey was a 1:16 sec, so I was out to improve as I knew I could now be more aggressive, I went well all day and the rain held off although it was threatening to drench us, by mid afternoon after I had settled for my new lines Stuart quoted I had managed laps in the 1:13`s I was happy with that and then we decided to try the Silverstone tyres, and yes we got rain drizzle at first but the drenching kind and the circuit was soon wet all over so I didn’t really get a chance to push the tyres but did get a feel for them in those conditions so that was a plus.

So off back to the B&B and then out for some food and fuel, if you ever track day or test/race at Pembrey they do not have or sell fuel at the circuit so you need to take plenty.
Then to Saturday, today we have our qualifying and first race, the track was dry so I was pretty confident of a good qualifying time, we had a grid of 29 cars entered so it was difficult to get good track space, but for once I was lucky and managed clear laps when I needed them and thanks to some good awareness by some slower drivers realising a faster car was coming and adjusting there lines so not to slow me down, all to often less experienced drivers get in the mood of racing and wreck your qualifying for you as the marshals don’t always blue flag them (this means faster car approaching be aware), anyway the few I met on circuit for qualifying were on the ball and driving well, “thanks again you know who you are”!
When I came in and got the times at the end of the session I had qualified 5th on the grid with a fastest lap of 1:12 sec, the times were very close the top 7 cars on the grid was covered by 1 second.

I got a nice start and got clear of the first hairpin with all wheels and panels intact, if you don’t know Pembrey the start line heads straight into a 10 degree right hand hairpin on a slightly declining slope, defiantly designed by someone with a sense of humour ,a recipe for issues! I then settled into a nice pace with the leaders, I lost a place to Alex Gassman car 48, then Ross Stoner car22 dropped out with a mechanical problem, it was good close racing and I finished in 4th place with a fastest lap of 1:11 sec, this would give me a grid spot of p4 for the second race tomorrow.

Some free practise today then two 20 minuet races, there had been a lot of over night rain and the circuit was wet, just one dry line, Stuart wanted to try some different tyre pressures in these conditions, so I went out for 15 minuets of the 30 minuet practise, Stuart asked how the car felt, I was pleased with the car so decided to leave it and only change it if the weather dried up.

I was starting in fourth place on the grid for this race and was looking for another good result, the track was still a little damp so I had to be a bit cautious, I got a good start and was running in 4th place, I was being chased closely by car 2 Liam O`Toole and had to take some more defensive lines than I would like and because of this I was loosing touch with the leading cars, I had decided to let Liam through at the end of the start/finish straight and hope he would pull me up to the leaders again, when I made a mistake, I missed my turn in point by a fraction on the fast left hander past the pits and got a wheel on the grass, wet grass! So now no control I was speeding sideways picking up speed towards the tyre wall , I was hoping as it was along way I might stop but no such luck more speed I found myself thinking should I try and get the car turned for a rear impact, but I decided to take it all side ways to spread the impact only issue was it was going to be drivers side hitting but I made ready for the inevitable, I walloped the tyres at about 70 mph stuffing most of the car into and under the tyre wall so that all I could see through half of the screen was tyres, I could not believe the screen or side windows bit not break but luckily they didn’t. now I had to get out! So unclip the belts and climb over the central tunnel and out of the passenger door to be greeted by some great marshals who then helped me to safety. When we pulled the car out actually it was not that bad a bit of pulling of panels and a new door mirror mainly the front wing just needed pulling off the tyre, Liam`s dad made me a cuppa while Stuart checked the front suspension but it had no damage or got knocked out so I was ready to go again with the tyre pressures checked, Stuart fuelled the car and said its ready if you are going out? In my mind I had not even thought of missing the race but I had taken a big knock, I had been cleared by the medical unit after the crash but only time would tell as now I was still on adrenalin a bit anyway on to the next race.

Due to my crash I had not finished the previous race so they started me on the back of the grid so I had to carve my way through the entire grid of cars, no mean feet but what a challenge! To say I need one of my best starts now would be a large understatement, but I did get one and I got a real flier!
At the end of the start/finish straight I was 15th from last on the grid and by the end of the first lap I was 12th, I was being a bit cautious and was staying clear of the damp edges of the circuit, I kept picking cars off and had reached 7th place but actually I did feel not myself and eased off and just drove for a finish, I ended the race in 9th place and was content with that all I wanted was to get out of the car and get some fresh air as I was now not feeling my best in a hot car and helmet.
Back in the pits I got out of the car and wanted my own space and company for a few moments and I did need to sit down , I went to freshen up and settle myself and then a slow walk back to the cars, it appears I had given myself a hard knock earlier and now I had stopped thinking of racing it might just have crept up on me but I was okay after the little time on my own and suddenly surrounded by drivers and pats on the back and hand shakes etc, I reassured Stu I was fine now and popped over to the marshals post I had visited earlier and thanked them once again, they had been waving and cheering me on in the final race and congratulated me on my efforts and getting back out there after the crash earlier I did enquire if they had any doughnuts left but they assured me they had all gone and said you should have had one earlier!
When I returned to Stuart and the car he had got it on the trailer and was ready to be off so I jumped in the van and waved as we set off home a six hour drive ahead of which I did not see much of, yes I fell asleep!
Stuart has fixed the car and we will be ready for Silverstone in three weeks time, as for me I have a soar neck but I will live thanks for all the phone calls and emails from people asking after me, I was quite touched by the concern thank you all.